
You have the power to save lives and change how we treat mental illness.
Be the teen to bring Not Alone to your school or community.

Host a Screening
You can purchase a screening license to show the film at your school or community center. Donate the screening to your school or raise funds to purchase the screening (hint: car wash).

Host a Fundraiser
Use the film Not Alone to host an event and raise both awareness and funds to further your mental health awareness efforts.

Talk about the film
Find ways to talk to others and let them know they are not alone. You can follow us on social media and use the hashtags #NotAlone and #NotAloneDoc to participate in the conversation online. 

Form a 'Not Alone' Student Group
Peers are one of the greatest resources in preventing suicide. Sometimes people just need someone to listen, and teen groups can provide that. You can help create a culture in your school that recognizes mental illness and invites a dialogue.


If you are interested in using the film in an educational context, you can order our screening and action-planning materials and resources for ongoing use in your program.

Other ways to take action:

  • Host a parent information night
  • Fund-raise for your Wellness Center with a Theatrical Screening
  • Start a 'Not Alone' Student Group
  • Connect with other Schools to learn about their experiences


Individuals, non-profits, government agencies, community organizations, professional associations

Raise awareness of teen mental illness and suicide prevention by hosting a screening of Not Alone and initiate this important discussion within your community.

Events & Screenings

Send us photos of your screenings and events so we can feature them on our website!